domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011

The Best Thing in life: My Best Friend

Life is such an unfair and unpredictable place that sometimes it is hard to hold on to it...

How many times I've wanted to leave the rop that hold us to the world;
How many times I felt unsafe and helpless, in a world full of giants, Where I was an insignificant ant waitting to be crushed...

 Luckely, I have a friend, who held me at all the times I felt hopeless, who showed me the way to choose.
That friend is my Best Friend, my BFF!
She was there for me, when my first broke my heart, she glued the pieces of my heart, she teached to be strong, she teached me how to win in a world full of sadness, She helped me...When I just wanted to hide.

 With her, I shared my feelings, my fears, my happiness. my sadness; I shared my bed, my favourite teddy bear, my favourite CD, my food.
If it was necessary I would give her my own heart

 It was perfect...Until one day I didn't hear what she wanted to say, I ignore her warnings, because I thought she was wrong!
We split up...

Years afther I understood what she meant, she was right, as always and I was a dull because I din't belive in her when She told me!

Now, that another coupe of years have passed, things are coming back to their places....kind off
Although it is not the same, for me this is perfect because, She is next to me again, and I know that she is here for me, supporting me...
And I hope she knows that....I am here for her, no matter what and I'll never disappear again

I am sorry for all the years with you I've lost
Ass: Helena de Troia
To: Ana Perena... In future A.P.V.

4 comentários:

  1. Ooooh! Thaaaaaaaaanks! :)
    I've never left your side :) & I'm still here for you :) because, once we're best friends, we're best friends for a life, no matter what :)

    ps-espero não ter de encostar mais gajos às paredes :p

  2. Mas, Britz? Andas em todo o lado homem???! --

  3. Com isto, não pretendo menosprezar os outros amigos ok?
    Tenho saudades vossas meus amigos! Nunca mais vos vi!
