sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011

Regret....Would you...?

We do many things in life, we make decisions, we fall in love, we say things, we give our heart, we get hurt and we hurt people.
Some times we chose the wrong way and things don't happen the way we wanted to.
We cry, we make others cry.

Think about this:
If you had a time machine, would you change anything?!

It seems a simple question, but isn't....
Some people say we mustn't feel regrets about anything.
Is that correct?! Well, things happen for a reason, sometimes the mistakes we made or the teas we dropped lead us to a better thing, it makes all sense at the end!

You are very angry and you are with a friend who is really annoying you! You blame him for all the bad things you feel in the moment and you tell him things that, are true, but you don't really mean it or think he needs to hear! You call him names, you put the blame on him...but it is not his fault at all!
You made him cry and now he is sad. You made a huge mistake!
Do you regret it?Even if all that you've said was true, would you regret it?

Would you change it?! 

You give everything you have to a person, your trust, your heart, your life. You make him participate in everything you do! You do everything you can for him, let him do everything he wants with you. You put him in first place, or at least you try to.You live his life and believe in everything he says (even if it's a lie and you know it).
Then he breaks your heart, He runs away from you, escape between your fingers like water. You know you were wrong sometimes, you could have done better. You know you did not deserve what he did, to feel like you felt!

Would you change the things you did?!
Would you go back and keep quiet?

Would you go back and never give all you have?

Well, I can honestly say that:
I don't know!

Sometimes...I want to change things, try not to commit the same stupid mistakes...but...everything happens for a reason, what do we know about the future?

What about you? What would you do?!

I would regret for saying things that I don't really feel and hurt somebody I care, because nobody deserves to be hurt, but I'll never regret the things I gave or say to a person I loved even if he has hurt me and break my trust!

Would you say that you regret it?
I would....

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