terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

"s2" It's not always the boss!

Loving someone is not always that easy as it looks. Most times love is just another way to suffer or to make others suffer, but in this case we are happy to be suffering and we don't care about anyone else.

When we fall in love with someone, or at least, we think we're in love things seem to be very Very VERY simple: "We want that, so we have to get it. No atter what!"

Sometimes we have to ignore our heart and let our mind be "the boss", because he can't always have what he wants, jus like that, like it is a small newborn!

Some people don't think like I do, they say taht we should always follow our hearts. I am not against that, I just think that we should think about what we are doing because to me there is no "Have it no matter what", Things are never that easy and people can get hurt without a real purpose because of my decisions and "No matter what"s.

Most people just do what they want and don't think about anything or anybody else, they think that "They can do better", because "Loving him/her is so easy...He/She is so perfect...How difficult can that be? They just don't don't kow how to love!"
So they dive into the sea. At the begginig everything is cristal clear and you feel proud because you are doing somethig that others have tried and failed. "You've never felt so happy"

Then you star swimming in deeper waters and stuff became a little bit darker.
You wonder "What is this? I have to solve it!"
You start sacrifizing yourself (it depends on the person) as things get darker and darker. You keep giving because you "love" him/her "so much". You've moved mountains and even killed for that so...You can't give up now! You wil show them that they were right! IT WAS NOT THAT EASY!

He/She keeps demanding things that you don't have...or....That you are not willing to give! You star drowing in your "love"
You start screaming for yourself: "I can't handle it! It looked so simple! How could her/Him handle it for so long?!"

Now you know what others were feeling, why they were being "assholes". IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE! You've imagined that it would demand so much from you and now you don't want it anymore!

Soetimes we hurt others and get hurt too, do to what we want, to follow our heart, and then we just realise that it wasn't as we thought it would be and we drop it!
So at the end, you hurt people without need!

Was it worth the pain? Was it worth hust somebody just on a whim?!
You could have avoid that, if only you had thought before you jump without a parachute!

I am not saying that this happens all the times, I just want to explain that, we should not judge people and their actions, we MUST ALWAYS THINK BEFORE WE FOLLOW OUR HEART

Love needs heart...but it also needs mind!
Love with all your heart, but use your brains to do it too!

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