domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

Remember me....

In this world...
Everything is unpredictable
So maybe...The best thing we can do is...remember our good moments and at least...try to forget the moments that made us cry right?

We will never know when something bad is going to happen to us or to someone we care about!
Life is short...and....The World is unpredictable

We should live it, and live it well
We must appreciate every moment with the people we love, we must not be worried if they did something we didn't like, if we are angry or not...We don't have time for that

Sometimes we let our pride ruin our relantionships, at least I did it sometimes, I didn't apologize when I should, I didn't express my feelings because I was ashamed, I thought " One day, I'll call them and I'll tell them that I am sorry and that I miss them, I've plenty of time, I can do it tomorow, there's no rush"

But...Guess What?
Now, I am sorry, because I lost my opportunitie and I lost them...And I am thinking
"I should have done it when I had them here!"

We never know when somebody is going to say his last word to us
So...We should never waste time with pride and other foolish things!
Our time is NOW and We must apreciate it...
We should forget our pride, our tears...Forgive the one's who have hurt us and keep moving forward
We must apreciatte our life while it is ours! We must overcome our difficulties, and...Try to be happy no matter what!

We will never know what the future holds...

Live the moment with a smile on your face, make others smile while you can...

Don't waste your time waiting for tomorow
That can be no tomorow

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