domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

Remember me....

In this world...
Everything is unpredictable
So maybe...The best thing we can do is...remember our good moments and at least...try to forget the moments that made us cry right?

We will never know when something bad is going to happen to us or to someone we care about!
Life is short...and....The World is unpredictable

We should live it, and live it well
We must appreciate every moment with the people we love, we must not be worried if they did something we didn't like, if we are angry or not...We don't have time for that

Sometimes we let our pride ruin our relantionships, at least I did it sometimes, I didn't apologize when I should, I didn't express my feelings because I was ashamed, I thought " One day, I'll call them and I'll tell them that I am sorry and that I miss them, I've plenty of time, I can do it tomorow, there's no rush"

But...Guess What?
Now, I am sorry, because I lost my opportunitie and I lost them...And I am thinking
"I should have done it when I had them here!"

We never know when somebody is going to say his last word to us
So...We should never waste time with pride and other foolish things!
Our time is NOW and We must apreciate it...
We should forget our pride, our tears...Forgive the one's who have hurt us and keep moving forward
We must apreciatte our life while it is ours! We must overcome our difficulties, and...Try to be happy no matter what!

We will never know what the future holds...

Live the moment with a smile on your face, make others smile while you can...

Don't waste your time waiting for tomorow
That can be no tomorow

sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2011

A song to never forget

I bust the windows out your car
And no, it didn't mend my broken heart
I'll probably always have these ugly scars
But right now, I don't care about that part

I bust the windows out your car
After I saw you laying next to her
I didn't wanna but I took my turn
I'm glad I did it ?cause you had to learn

I must admit it helped a little bit
To think of how you'd feel when you saw it
I didn't know that I had that much strength
But I'm glad you see what happens when

You see you can't just play with people's feelings
Tell them you love them and don?t mean it
You?ll probably say that it was juvenile
But I think that I deserve to smile

I bust the windows out your car
You know I did it ?cause I left my mark
Wrote my initials with a crowbar
And then I drove up into the dark

I bust the windows out your car
You should feel lucky that was all I did
After 5 whole years of this bull****
Gave you all of me and you played with it

I must admit it helped a little bit
To think of how you'd feel when you saw it
I didn?t know that I had that much strength
But I?m glad you see what happens when

You see you can't just play with people's feelings
Tell them you love them and don?t mean it
You probably say that it was juvenile
But I think that I deserve to smile

[Incomprehensible] out your car
But it don?t come back to my broken heart
You could never feel how I felt that day
Until it happens, baby, you don?t know pain

Oh yeah, I did it, you should know it
I ain?t sorry, you deserved it
After what you did to me
You deserved it, I ain?t sorry no, no

You broke my heart, so I broke your car
You caused me pain, so I did the same
Even though what you did to me was much worse
I had to do something to make you hurt

Oh, but why am I still crying?
Why am I the one who?s still crying?
Oh, oh, you really hurt me, baby
You really, really hurt me, baby

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Now, watch me you
Now, watch me you
I bust the windows out your car

sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

Family Sweet Family

People are born
People die

You smile
You cry...

You love...
You hate

Friends come
Friends go...

Everything can change...
Except one huge thing, that seems to be little

You can hit it and make it cry...
It will always forgive you

You can run and you can hide...
It will find you

You can be a genius or you can be a murderer...
It will always admire you

You can be rich or you can be poor...
It will never say no to you

You can deny it, you can pretend you don't know it
But it will always accept you

No matter what you do,
No matter what you are...
Your family...Will always have the door open to you
It will your side

quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

The World: The "monster" that we've created!

The world has been always seen as an unfair place, full of sadness, darkness, war, death, arrogance and betrayal...
People have always been used to say that it was and it will be always like this...a MONSTER!
But....This is what I think (and hope I am not the only one):

The World is what We make of it!

I am sure that the world didn't create himself!
Well...I think you all agree with me right?
So, the World can't be good or bad, can it?
No, in my opinion no...
The world is what people who live there make of it!
So, if we decide what is the world...We can almost say that We are the world...
If the world is considered unfair, it is because the people who live there are unfair and selfish or am I wrong?

What must we do, to have a better world, where people can be happy and feel no need to be worrie about what evil people can do to them?
We must get better, we must BE BETTER!
Saying that we don't care about the others because the world is unfair...It is merely an excuse for the weak and the selfish people, that use that excuse to do whatever they want and feel strong!

The world can be a better place if we change our minds. I know this is supposed to be hard: Changing everyone minds so that we can "save" our lives from tears, broken hearts, disgrace and misery....
I also know that most people think that is not worth it
BUT IT IS! At least it is for me, and if it is important for 1 person, one day it will be important for 2 and maybe in the future it will be important for EVERYBODY!

Tell me...Honestly:
  • Wouldn't you like to see happy people, to be really happy?
  • Wouldn't you like to go outside and see the world with a lot of colours instead of seeing it only black and white?
  • Wouldn't you like to know that you don't need to step on others to persue your dreams, or not feel afraid of being defeated?

I would bet you do!
So...Why not be different? Why not be an example?
All togheter we can make the world a sweet place...
We can clean the world up, by cleaning our minds!

Being different, or want to be different,is not a defect, it is a virtue
So....Don't feel ashamed
We can all make the difference, one by one
Don't wait for change, BE DIFFERENT, make it change!

Dont worry! You won't be alone!

quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

Sempre por cima

Eles pensam que me rebaixam...
Pensam que me vão deixar cair...
Pensam que sou fraca...
Pensam que me vão vencer!
Pensam que vão ter o que querem:
Ver me fora de cena!

Notem, que eu disse pensam...E é isso mesmo, eles apenas pensam, mas estão mais do que enganados.

Sou tão forte como uma onda que desfaz a pedra do pontão, como um leão que caça a sua presa, como um tsunami que devasta toda uma cidade!
Estou tão alto que eles nunca cá chegarão para me empurrar!
Eles podem magoar-me o suficiente para eu me sentir vulnerável e insegura, o suficiente para me arrancarem as horas de sono e o suficiente para me fazer chorar...
Mas NUNCA! Nunca me vão fazer cair! Podem me fazer tropeçar, mas cair...Boa sorte!

E...Tomem nota:
Considerando a hipótese de cair...Que eles me consigam estatelar no duro chão...
Eu estarei de pé mais depressa do que eles poderiam alguma vez imaginar, mais forte do que nunca, capaz de tudo e de mais alguma coisa, de ir ao infinito e mais além... Estaria de tal maneira pronta para tudo que eles iriam desejar nunca me ter provocado!

Por mais que me espetem facas, por mais que me estilhacem o coração, para que me torne um alvo fácil, por mais areia que me atirem para os olhos, para poderem agir nas minhas costas, por mais rasteiras e armadilhas que me preparem de maneira a que não perceba por onde ando...Eu vou me sempre levantar, vou me recompor e quando uma das faces já estiver demasiado gasta, eu darei a outra e mostrar-lhes-ei do que sou feita...que não nasci para desistir...Não eu não desisto!

E mesmo que eu caía e decida não me levantar, seja qual for a razão...
Sei que... Nunca terei estado ao nível deles, nunca desci a tais profundezas, sou demasiado boa para isso. Sou superior a essas pirralhices pois, tenho uma educação e uma moral que me impedem, de descer tão baixo!

Nunca precisei de ser falsa, nunca precisei de fazer olhinhos ou joguinhos, lamber botas, de me movimentar no escuro para conseguir aquilo que tenho hoje.
O que eu penso, bom ou mau, digo a todos assim como tudo o que faço, faço a vista de todos, sem medo, pois não tenho nada a esconder de ninguém. Tudo o que consegui até agora nasceu de mim! Nasceu do que EU faço para mim e para os outros, das coisas que eu digo, das escolhas que EU faço de acordo com o que EU sou!

O que eles conseguiram... É apenas o fruto daquilo que eles PRECISARAM de fazer, daquilo que eles PRECISARAM de ser, ou melhor, PARECER!


O Mundo é injusto e mau, as só porque as pessoas o querem, e usam-no como pretexto para fazerem o que querem, movimentando-se na escuridão como predadores sinistros, escondendo as verdadeiras razões que os leva a agir,  prontos a matar! Pessoas....como ELES

Por isso...
Mesmo que eu caía e não me levante nunca mais...
Mesmo que eles "ganhem" a batalha...
Estarei sempre por cima deles...
Serei sempre mais forte que eles...
E porquê? Porque eu olhei aos meios para atingir os meus fins!
E eles, não passam de uns cobardes que fazem tudo na sombra da noite, onde ninguém os reconhece...
O prémio é vosso, mas é também a vergonha!

Quanto a mim...Limitar-me-ei a viver a minha vida, e a rir das burrices que Eles fazem!